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Accommodation http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/accommodation/ http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/accommodation/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:31:31 +0000 http://www.cerc-conference.eu/?p=75287  Information is coming soon. ]]> http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/accommodation/feed/ 0 Author Guidelines http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/author-guidelines/ http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/author-guidelines/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:29:46 +0000 http://www.cerc-conference.eu/?p=75281 Abstracts should be submitted using the CERC short_paper_template in .doc-format

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Keynote/Invited Speaker http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/keynoteinvited-speaker/ http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/keynoteinvited-speaker/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:28:52 +0000 http://www.cerc-conference.eu/?p=75279 nino_grau

Standards or Excellence in Project Management ?
Prof. Dr. Nino Grau

Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen – University of Applied Sciences, Germany
e-mail: Nino.Grau@wi.thm.de

How do standards for project management support project managers in their everyday work? Are they critical success factors or do they hinder project manager`s creativity on the way to excellence in project management? Let us have a look on standards like ISO 21 500 and on IPMA PEM Project Excellence Model.

Short CV Prof. Dr. Nino Grau:

He holds degrees in computer science (University of Erlangen) and industrial engineering (Technical University Munich) and received his doctorate with a thesis about decision making in teams.

As a professor at the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences in Friedberg he has been responsible for introducing the first postgraduate degree course in project management in Germany, which started in September 2002.

His main area of interest is project and process management. He was a member of the board and deputy president of GPM the German Project Manager Association. GPM is MA (Member Association) of IPMA the International Project Management Association. IPMA is the oldest international umbrella association for project management associations and repre-sents over 60 MAs
with over 60 000 individual members Worldwide.

As a Vice President of IPMA Grau started the IPMA activities concerning the development of the new ISO 21500 standard and has been Head of Delegation representing IPMA at ISO. He was responsible for the IPMA “Young Crew” and “Standards and Awards” within IPMA.

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Proceedings http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/proceedings/ http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/proceedings/#respond Mon, 07 Mar 2016 12:26:59 +0000 http://www.cerc-conference.eu/?p=75277 The CERC 2016 Proceedings are available for download here ]]> http://www.cerc-conference.eu/2016/03/07/proceedings/feed/ 0